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9 years of the Azov regiment

From a military formation established in 2014, it has evolved into a movement with its own symbols, traditions and ideology. The Azov soldiers can rightly be called the pride of the Ukrainian army, who have forever inscribed their names on the pages of the modern national liberation struggle.


The Azov men liberated Mariupol in June 2014 and took part in the battles near Ilovaisk. Then they defended Mariupol and launched an offensive on Shyrokyne in February 2015. "Azov is also known for effectively performing tasks in the ATO area, and later as part of the Joint Forces Operation. In particular, the unit conducted a successful Pavlopil-Shyrokyne operation in 2015 and completed a number of successful combat missions in the Svitlodarsk bulge area.

In 2016, Azov took part in strengthening public order in Odesa, and later part of the regiment was assigned to guard checkpoints in Zaporizhzhia.

Since the autumn of 2016, the Azovs have been performing various airborne defence missions on the Azov Sea coast.

In 2022, the regiment became a defence force for Mariupol and Azovstal. For more than 80 days, the Azovs and related units put up a strong resistance to the Russian army. The enemy threw everything they had at the fierce attack, but the Azovs survived.

On 20 May 2022, in order to save lives, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief ordered the defence of Mariupol to be stopped. The regiment fulfilled its task. However, the Azovs did not lay down their arms in front of the occupiers, but once again demonstrated their high ideals of victory, courage and honour: all Azovstal soldiers handed over their weapons to their commander Prokopenko before leaving, and he shook their hands and thanked them for their service.

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