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Personality catalog

Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Buildings and constructions catalog

Photos of buildings and their destruction before and after the start of the war.

Buildings, structures, objects before and after the start of the war

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Monuments catalog

Monuments, works of art before and after the start of the war

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Aircraft, cars and other technical means catalog

Aircraft, cars, technical means before and after the start of the war

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Famous Ukrainian performers who volunteered to take part in the defence of their country.

On 24 February, Russian troops started invading Ukraine. Ukrainians took up arms to oppose the Russian invaders, and among them were well-known musical performers.  


One of the tasks in the terrorist war against Ukraine by the Russian Federation was to destroy the integrity of Ukrainian society. However, in such a difficult time Ukrainians have emerged stronger than ever. And even some celebrities, who could calmly leave the country, or take refuge in the safe zone, took up arms and went to defend their native land from the Russian barbarians. Among them were the rapper Yarmak, the band Antityela, Andrey Hlyvnyuk - the frontman of the band Boombox, the Ukrainian actor Pasha Lee and others. 
Pasha died when Russian occupiers attacked his hometown of Irpen. The Russians carried out heavy artillery fire in a chaotic manner. In addition to Pavel, the shelling resulted in the deaths of civilians who were unable to evacuate the town due to the blockade imposed by the Russian Federation.



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