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Former MP Oleh Barna killed in action

Oleh Barna was a Ukrainian politician. Member of the Petro Poroshenko Bloc party. Member of Parliament of Ukraine of the VIII convocation.


He was born on 18 April 1967 in the village of Nahoryanka, Chortkiv district, Ternopil region, in the family of village teachers Stepan Mykhailovych and Svitlana Ludvigivna.

In 1977, he graduated from Nagoryanka Primary School, and in 1984, from Yagelnytsia Secondary School.

In 1991, he graduated from the Faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Ternopil Pedagogical Institute (now Ternopil National Pedagogical University). In 1995, he received a degree in education system management from the Ternopil Institute of Postgraduate Education, and in 2008, he received a degree in law from the Ternopil National Economic University.

From 1985 to 1987, he served in the army. From 1991 to 2014, he worked as a teacher of mathematics, physics, computer science, and pre-conscription training at Rydodubiv and Bilobozhnytsia schools.

He was a participant of the Euromaidan. On 18 February 2014, in Mariinsky Park, he was shot in the head and right shoulder, with a scar over his right eye.

After the outbreak of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, he volunteered for the war zone. He fought as part of the 128th separate mountain infantry brigade, was a mortar team commander, and had the call sign "Uncle Oleh". During the fighting, he sustained a concussion.

At the early parliamentary elections held on 26 October 2014, he was elected as a member of the Verkhovna Rada of the eighth convocation in the single-member constituency No. 167 in Ternopil region from the Petro Poroshenko Bloc, gaining 28.53% of the vote. He is a member of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on Corruption Prevention and Counteraction. He is also a member of seven groups on interparliamentary relations with Canada, Lebanon, Malta, Poland, the United States, France, Estonia and the United Kingdom.

He was at the centre of a scandal on 14 January 2015 when he publicly cursed Russian President Vladimir Putin from the rostrum of the Verkhovna Rada.

From 2022, after the full-scale Russian invasion, he was a rifleman, serving in the 68th Separate Ranger Brigade named after Oleksa Dovbush.

He died on 17 April 2023 in the fighting near Pavlivka.

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