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Famous people before and after the start of the war

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Kolya Serga

Kolya Serga is a Ukrainian musician, TV presenter, actor and singer. He became known as one of the hosts of the programme Heads and Tails.


Ukrainian artist and soldier of the AFU Kolya Serga said that before the full-scale invasion, the world he lived in was idealised and infantile. So he performed in Russia, where he was also a very popular artist.

But after February 24, 2022, he realised that Russia was an enemy to be destroyed.

"Before the full-scale invasion, I was a cosmopolitan and thought I was a guest everywhere and a host nowhere. But after February 24, I realised that the world I was living in was idealised and infantile. It was time to grow up, to see the other side of the world - the dark side. And it began with Russia. I saw that there was total stupidity, obsession, collective paranoia, hatred. This became a disappointment to me at first and then a new meaning, because now I know that Russia is an enemy to be destroyed," Serga said in an interview with UNIAN.

He added that if he saw dictator Vladimir Putin on the battlefield, he would start shooting quickly.

"If it was on the battlefield and I was with a gun, I would probably not say anything (to Putin, - UNIAN) but shoot as fast as possible. Because if Putin is near, there are guards somewhere. So I would shoot before them," Serga added.


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