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Nazariy Hryntsevych

Nazariy, together with his comrades, held the defence at Azovstal for three months, was taken prisoner by Russia and returned to the army after his release. He was killed in action.



He was born on 10 March 2003 in Vinnytsia. Before he came of age, he secretly took a course as a young fighter in Azov.

He was a paramedic, the youngest among the Azov fighters during the defence of Mariupol. He celebrated his 19th birthday defending Mariupol from the Russians.

On 20 May 2022, the commander of the Azov Special Forces unit, Denys Prokopenko, said that on the 86th day of the circular defence of Mariupol, an order was received to cease the defence of the city. The priority requirements for the evacuation of civilians, the wounded and the dead were fulfilled. Hryntsevych, along with his fellow soldiers, was taken prisoner by the Russians, where he spent 4 months. After his release, he returned to service. In Azov, he founded the Contact-12 unit, where he led a platoon of optical observers.

On 21 September 2022, he was released from captivity during a prisoner of war exchange. After his release, he and his comrades founded the Contact 12 unit. There, Hrynka was the commander of a platoon of optical observers.

He was killed in action on 6 May 2024. Nazariy is survived by his mother, sister and brother.

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