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Petro Mostavchuk

Petro Mostavchuk, also known as MS Petya, is a young man from the village of Khlevyshche (Chernivtsi region, Kitsman district) who became popular due to his eccentric antics and special syntax.


He was born in 1990. After finishing school, Petro went to study to become a pastry chef. Later, he became interested in a healthy lifestyle and various workouts.

"I used to live poorly, herding cows and selling mushrooms. I dressed poorly. I was insulted. Teachers did not believe in my talents. I didn't give up and proved it to everyone!" - Petro. 

In 2015, he went to the audition for the 7th season of Ukraine's Got Talent and passed.

Petro Mostavchuk is officially unemployed, but he does a lot of housework, which he regularly highlights in his videos: mowing grass, planting potatoes, fixing plumbing, etc. It is also known that Petro travelled to Poland for various jobs, where he learnt the language a little, even started rapping in it.

Some time after Russia's invasion of Ukraine, he received a call-up and was mobilised into the Armed Forces. He serves in the 24th separate mechanised brigade named after King Danylo.

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