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Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Roman Balan (Sinitsyn)

Roman Balan is a Ukrainian public figure, volunteer, co-founder of the People's Home Front volunteer association, and chairman of the attestation commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine in 2016. 



Born in Lutsk on 30 June 1985. He received a law degree from the Tax Academy. For some time, he was a postgraduate student and wrote his dissertation, but did not complete his work. He works in the field of web design on a freelance basis. He is involved in the work of the travel website

In 2014, together with Heorhiy Tuka, he co-founded the public volunteer organisation Narodnyi Tyl. He was the chairman of the certification commission of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. Participates in the movement of football fans of the Volyn club. He is the author of the protest slogan "Avakov is a devil".


  • Order of Merit, III class (2014, on the occasion of the Independence Day of Ukraine - for significant personal contribution to state-building, socio-economic, scientific, technical, cultural and educational development of Ukraine, significant labour achievements and high professionalism)
  • Presidential Award "Golden Heart" (9 December 2022) - for a significant personal contribution to the provision of volunteer assistance and the development of the volunteer movement, in particular in the implementation of measures to ensure the defence of Ukraine, protect the security of the population and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of the Russian Federation against Ukraine and overcoming its consequences.

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