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Personality catalog
Famous people before and after the start of the war
Personalities before and after the start of the war
View DetailsBuildings and constructions catalog
Photos of buildings and their destruction before and after the start of the war.
Buildings, structures, objects before and after the start of the war
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Monuments, works of art before and after the start of the war
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Aircraft, cars, technical means before and after the start of the war
View DetailsDuring the Russian offensive in Ivankiv, Kyiv region, the historical and local history museum, which housed about two and a half dozen works by world-famous artist Maria Primachenko, was burned down.
Maria Primachenko is a Ukrainian folk artist in the genre of "naive art"; winner of the National Prize of Ukraine named after V.P. Pavlov. She was born and is buried in Bolotnya village, Vyshgorod region, Kyiv oblast.
As it was reported, Minister of Culture and Information Policy Oleksandr Tkachenko called to deprive the Russian Federation of the status of a member of UNESCO because of violation of international law and conventions. He stressed that as a result of Russia's armed offensive against Ukraine, numerous civilian and cultural heritage sites are being destroyed and many historical and architectural monuments and sites are under threat.
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Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image | |||
Ivankiv, Ukraine | image |
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