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Russian troops shelled Kherson OVA building

After the shameful retreat of Russian troops from the occupied Kherson, Russian troops have been shelling the city more frequently. In the afternoon, an MLRS attack was carried out on the military administration building.


On Wednesday afternoon, 14 December, Russian troops shelled Kherson - the building of the Kherson regional military administration was damaged and six people were injured in the city. The OVA building was hit by an explosive blast which knocked out windows in residential buildings. A fire broke out in one of the private houses as a result of a shell hitting the roof. According to preliminary information, the occupants shelled the town with multiple rocket launchers from the temporarily occupied territory. After the Russian occupants fled Kherson on 11 November, Russian troops started shelling the de-occupied city almost daily. On December 12, the KhBK neighbourhood was shelled, killing two people and injuring five others.

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