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Russians destroy a memorial sign dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Ukrainian Cossacks

Russian occupiers continue to destroy everything that resembles Ukraine. A monument dedicated to the 500th anniversary of the Ukrainian Cossacks was destroyed in Mariupol.


A memorial to the 500th anniversary of the Ukrainian Cossacks was erected in Mariupol in 1995 on the site of the Domakha outpost of the Kalmius Cossack Palanka. Since its creation, historians have been counting the history of Mariupol as a settlement.

The Kalmius palanka existed from the end of the 16th and 16th centuries until 1775, as written on a destroyed monument. Cossacks and their families lived on the territory of modern Mariupol at that time. The Greeks came there only in 1779. That's when the settlement was named Mariupol.

The monument was located on Liberation Square at coordinates 47°05'34.0″N 37°33'42.0″E.

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