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Famous people before and after the start of the war

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The city of Chernihiv after being shelled by Russian troops.

Russian terrorists fired rockets at residential buildings in the city of Chernihiv. There is serious damage to buildings and a shopping centre has been destroyed.


On the morning of Thursday, 3 March 2022, Russian troops launched a rocket attack on a multi-storey residential area in the city centre. Many apartment buildings have been damaged, windows broken, walls, roofs, balconies, walls and ceilings damaged. There are no military installations in the vicinity. Nearby are hospitals, several schools and kindergartens, and dozens of high-rise buildings. Russia once again stresses its status as a terrorist state.

The Russian military shelled the Epicentre hypermarket in Chernihiv back in early March. This hypermarket posed no threat to Russians at the time of the shelling. However, their authorities continue to claim that they are "only attacking military facilities".

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