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Famous people before and after the start of the war

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Ukraine's schools destroyed by Russian occupiers

Russia, unable to hit military facilities of the AFU, terrorizes Ukrainians every day. Russian missiles, mines and bombs hit peaceful infrastructure.


On 1 September, a new school year began. But not all schools managed to start it. More than 220 schools on the territory of Ukraine have been destroyed and damaged by the bombing by Russian war criminals. Some of them are to be rebuilt, others are already in operation. But among them there are some that have been completely destroyed. According to the Russian occupants, the school territories contained ammunition and personnel of the Ukrainian armed forces. However, nothing of the above has ever been contained on the territories of Ukrainian schools, kindergartens and universities. Russia calls such attacks "destruction of military facilities". If a school, church or shopping mall is a military facility for a country, then it is fair to say Russia is a terrorist country.

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