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Famous people before and after the start of the war

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Yevhen Shumilov

A theatre and film actor and soldier, Yevhen Shumilov, died at the front. He was defending his wounded comrade-in-arms.


Yevhen Shumilov went to war as a volunteer in 2022. He was a company medic in the Third Assault Brigade.

Before the full-scale invasion, Yevhen starred in various TV series and TV projects, including "Physical evidence", "Real mysticism", "Sidorenky-Sidorenky", "Ambulance", "Agents of Justice", "Department 44". He was also known for his Nova Poshta adverts.

During his service, Yevhen Shumilov helped the charity fund "With God in the Heart".

During the organisation of one of the charity performances for children, which did not take place due to the air raid, Yevhen met his girlfriend, Victoria Levchuk. They planned to start a family, but did not have time.

Yevhen Shumilov was 32 years old. He was left with a disabled mother and stepfather.

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