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Alla Pushkarchuk

Journalist, editor, theatre critic Alla Pushkarchuk (‘Ruta’) died in the Russian-Ukrainian war.


Alla Pushkarchuk graduated from the Institute of Journalism at the Kyiv National University of Culture and Arts with a degree in publishing and editing, and from the Karpenko-Kary National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television in Kyiv with a degree in theatre studies.

Her reportage ‘Turning Right’ was among the 10 finalists of the 2016 Samovydets Artistic Reportage Contest. In 2017, with a series of photographs from the war, she became one of the winners of the XIX International Photo Contest organised by the All-Ukrainian newspaper Den.

From August 2014 to April 2018, she worked as a journalist and photographer at the 5th Separate Battalion of the Ukrainian Volunteer Army. Later, she was demobilised and worked as a journalist, news editor at the Ukrainian Week magazine (2018-2020), where she rose from a news reporter to a cultural columnist, and as a PR specialist at Komora Publishing House (2019-2020).

In 2021, Alla Pushkarchuk applied for the position of editor-in-chief, and out of more than 140 CVs, we chose her as the one who coped with all the tasks best. Alla worked for the Chitomo team for six months as a news editor and coordinator of the #EmptyChairPeople project.

As reported, at the beginning of 2024, poet and volunteer soldier Maksym Kryvtsov died at the front. In March, Anastasia ‘Troy’ Marianchuk, a medic with the first rifle battalion of the 67th Brigade of the Air Force, died at the front.

During the Revolution of Dignity, she joined the Right Sector and later travelled to the front as part of their information department to write and take photographs. That's when she got the call sign ‘Ruta’. After the full-scale invasion, she joined the Ukrainian Armed Forces with her boyfriend. She died as a result of a rocket attack in the arms of her beloved.

According to IMI, Alla Pushkarchuk became the 77th in the list of media professionals killed as a result of Russian aggression against Ukraine.


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