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Azov commander Oleh Mudrak dies - heart failure

He took part in the defence of Mariupol and was captured by the Russians in May. He was released six months later, but exhaustion from Russian captivity eventually led to his death. 


Oleg Mudrak spent half a year in Russian captivity and also survived an act of terrorism by the Russians in Yelenivka (the shelling of Ukrainian POWs by Russian troops). Oleg had been defending Ukraine since 2014. In May 2022, he was taken prisoner of war in Russia. The Russians are extremely brutal with Ukrainians, especially Azovs. Photos of Ukrainian soldiers after captivity are shocking. 

Being in Russian captivity has taken its toll. The warrior's heart could not withstand it. On 21 February 2023 Oleg died of cardiac arrest. The comrades-in-arms bid their last farewell to the commander with all due respects.

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