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Baku Komisarov Square in Donetsk shelled by Russian troops

Russian troops continue to terrorize the "brotherly people". One of the market squares in Donetsk (temporarily occupied by the Russian Federation) was subjected to mortar shelling.


The Russian Armed Forces are destroying civilians even in the cities they occupy. Another terrorist act by the Russian Armed Forces was carried out in the Ukrainian city of Donetsk, which is located in the territory not under Ukrainian control. During the day, Baku Komisarov Square was shelled. Thirteen people were killed and others were injured. Russia claims that the shelling was carried out by large-calibre Western weaponry from the Ukrainian side. The Ukrainian side refrained from commenting. According to a well-established pattern, propaganda journalists appeared on the scene at short notice. It can be concluded from the damage inflicted that this episode is yet another "self-inflicted shooting". Large-calibre weapons leave much more damage, and the use of a mortar, which was probably used by Russian troops, can be considered as a credible one. It is not possible to fire mortars into the city from the Ukrainian side due to the distance of the Ukrainian troops from the city and the short range of the mortar.  


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