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Hryhoriy Yanchenko

Hryhoriy Yanchenko is a 76-year-old Ukrainian military volunteer, an honorary citizen of Kherson. Knight of the Order "People's Hero of Ukraine".



He was born on July 3, 1947 in the city of Ichnia, Chernihiv region, in a family of workers.

In 1954, he went to school, graduated from nine classes of Ichniav Secondary School No. 1. He entered Avdiiv Vocational Training School No. 96, which he graduated in 1963.

In 1966, he was drafted into the ranks of the Soviet Army, served in the city of Pskov in the Pskov Division, which participated in the suppression of the uprising in Czechoslovakia, where Hryhoriy received numerous shrapnel wounds. After demobilization, he worked at the DSK of the city of Kherson. At the beginning of the nineties, gangrene developed in his limbs due to old injuries, as a result of numerous operations, Hryhoriy became disabled and retired.

Started volunteering in 2014.

Having limited physical abilities as a disabled person (he has no legs and fingers), during the war in the East of Ukraine, in March 2015, he collected more than 300 thousand hryvnias for the needs of the Ukrainian army.

In the elections to the Kherson Regional Council in 2015, he ran for the UKROP party. At the time of the elections, he lived in Kherson and was a pensioner.

By the end of 2021, he collected 4 million hryvnias for the Ukrainian army.

After the start of Russia's open military attack on Ukraine on February 24, 2022, began to appear in the crowded cities of Kherson, where the national anthem of Ukraine was played. Such videos became popular in social networks as an example of the indomitable spirit of Kherson people.

In September 2022, he was evacuated from the city of Kherson.


Award of the President of Ukraine "Golden Heart" (December 5, 2023) - for a significant personal contribution to the provision of volunteer assistance and the development of the volunteer movement, in particular during the implementation of measures to ensure the defense of Ukraine, the protection of the safety of the population and the interests of the state in connection with the military aggression of Russia Federation against Ukraine and overcoming its consequences.

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