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Ilya Pylypenko

Ilya Pylypenko is a 30-year-old tanker from Vinnytsia who lost his leg and suffered burns to 30% of his body and now wants to help his seriously wounded comrades.


Before the full-scale invasion, 30-year-old soldier Ilya Pylypenko from Vinnytsia was a real estate agent. After being seriously injured at the front, he lost his leg and suffered burns over 30% of his body and now wants to help his seriously wounded comrades, according to the First Medical Association of Lviv. In civilian life, the man worked, and in his spare time he liked to play sports. Boxing and running were among his favourite activities.

When Russia started a full-scale war, Ilya decided to volunteer to join the army and became a tank driver. 

The man says that the worst dream of any tank driver is to be burned alive in his own combat vehicle. However, this dream almost came true for him. In early September, Ilya and his comrades were working in the Kherson area. At one point, the tank with the soldier hit mines. 

The man came to when everything around him was on fire. Despite burns and an open fracture of his leg, he got out of the fire trap on his own. Ilya crawled away from the tank and began to extinguish his shoes, which had been on fire all this time. The man was given first aid by his comrades.

Later, doctors found that the fire had burned 30% of the man's body. 

During the two months the tanker spent in the burn unit, he underwent three skin grafts and multiple blood transfusions.   

As a result of the injury, the man lost his right leg, and a prosthesis was fitted in its place.

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