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Famous people before and after the start of the war

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Missile attack on the centre of Chernihiv

On 19 August 2023, Russian terrorists launched a missile attack on the centre of Chernihiv. At the time, an exhibition was taking place in the city centre, and many people were injured.


Russian troops shelled the central district of the city. The building of the drama theatre was heavily damaged. There are victims and injured. Among them are children.

Russian troops fired on Chernihiv, presumably with a ballistic missile. The strike hit the very centre of the city, damaging the building of the drama theatre. 

At least 7 people were killed, including a six-year-old girl. More than a hundred people were injured, including 12 children. The authorities announced two days of mourning. 

The attack took place around noon local time, when the area was crowded, Ukrainian media reported. Nearby are a park, where families and children are especially popular on weekends, and a large car park.

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