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President Joseph Biden arrives in Kyiv for an unannounced visit

Biden's visit to Kiev shows how much the West's resolve to support Ukraine has grown. The US remains the guarantor of Europe's security.


It is a courageous decision by the US President why this is the case:

1. the Americans were ahead of Russian President Putin's aggressive performance and Chinese President Xi Jinping's hypocritical peacemaking, who decided to play the "bad cop, good cop" game with the West. Now one of them will have to change their game - Putin or Xi.

2. On the eve of Putin's "momentous" speech on the anniversary of Russia's aggression against Ukraine, the US has raised the geopolitical stakes to the highest level, beyond the reach of Putin's Russia, and clearly defined the final "red line": Ukraine is within the zone of influence and strategic security of a renewed collective West based on the Euro-Atlantic values of the US and Europe.

3. US President Biden openly challenged Putin on the eve of his speech and proved America's resolve to help and protect Ukraine.

4. The US President showed that he is not really afraid of Russian threats to bomb Ukraine's capital. Biden's visit to Kiev was worse than Pelosi's visit to Taiwan, which so humiliated China. Now it is Putin's turn to suffer the humiliation of the world, who will pretend in his speech tomorrow that it was no big deal.

5. American President Biden's sudden arrival in Ukraine is a courageous and brave move. After all, no American president has ever come to Europe to support his allies during the war (Franklin Roosevelt, the 32nd president of the United States, attended the Yalta Conference in February 1945).

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