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Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and US President Joseph Biden meet at the White House

The US National Security Council's strategic communications coordinator John Kirby explained that Joe Biden had invited Vladimir Zelensky to the US because of the new stage of Russia's war against Ukraine. He stressed that the leaders would discuss support for Ukraine and a "just peace".


"The President of the United States really believes that as we approach winter, as we enter a new phase of this war, Mr Putin's aggression, that this is a good time for the two leaders to sit down face to face and talk," Kirby explained. The US media compared Zelensky's visit to the US to British Prime Minister Churchill's trip there 81 years ago, on December 26, 1941.

"President Biden has announced a significant new package of almost $2 billion in security assistance for Ukraine. It contains a very important new capability: a battery of Patriot missiles that will be a critical asset to protect the Ukrainian people from barbaric Russian attacks on Ukraine's critical infrastructure," a White House official said.

Additionally, the USA promised to continue providing Ukraine with anti-aircraft systems, in particular NASAMS, HAWK, Stinger and antiUAV equipment.

During Zelensky's visit, Congress also discussed and accepted a significant package of additional funding for Ukraine for 2023. The $40 billion allocation for Ukraine for next year is expected to receive bipartisan support.

Kyiv, Ukraineimage
Kyiv, Ukraineimage

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