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Russian missile hits a residential building in Uman

On 28 April, Russian troops launched a massive missile attack on the territory of Ukraine. One missile hit a multi-storey residential building. 


On the night of 28 April, the Russian occupiers launched another massive missile attack on Ukraine. One of the missiles destroyed a nine-storey building in Uman. 

The search operations at the site of the tragedy lasted over a day. Rescuers worked to the limit to pull people out of the rubble. Heavy machinery and special equipment were used. Police and volunteers also helped. 17 people were rescued. 

Unfortunately, 23 people died as a result of the Russian strike: 22 were rescued from the rubble, and another person died in hospital. Among the dead were six children: three boys (one and a half, 16 and 17 years old) and three girls (8, 11 and 14 years old).

Investigators from the Department for Investigation of Crimes Committed in the Context of Armed Conflict and forensic experts from the Main Investigation Department of the National Police identified all 23 bodies. A special headquarters was set up at the site, where direct relatives of the victims could submit biological samples for DNA comparison.

Two more women are still missing. 

As a result of the missile strike, 9 people were injured. Medics accompanied by police ensured prompt hospitalisation of the victims. 

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