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Russian troops shelled Kherson city centre on Christmas Day

As the world prepares for Christmas, Russian terrorists have shelled downtown Kherson en masse. According to the latest reports, at least 7 people were killed and 58 wounded, 18 of them in serious condition.


According to the State Emergency Service of Ukraine, Russian troops shelled the centre of Kherson at around 11:00 a.m. and 6 passenger cars caught fire. As a result, there are casualties and many injured. The occupiers attacked civilian objects: a market, a shopping centre, residential buildings, and administrative buildings. 

The terrorist country continues to bring Russian peace in the form of shelling of civilians. Kherson. Saturday morning, Christmas Eve, in the central part of the city. These are not military targets. The world must see and understand what absolute evil we are fighting against," wrote Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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