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Russian occupants shell children's and clinical hospital in Kherson

Russian occupants terrorize the civilian population of Kherson every day with mortar attacks. It is not military targets that are hit by Russian mines, but hospitals, schools and other civilian infrastructure.


On Sunday, 29 January, the Russian occupants shelled residential areas of Kherson, in particular one of the hospitals. The Russian troops fired their first salvo of artillery at the city around midnight. As a result, a utility company and 16 pieces of equipment were damaged, including an evacuation vehicle that had been provided to the city's residents.

A second volley was fired by the Russian Armed Forces at around 1pm. It is known that as of 14:00, the Russian military had managed to shell the city seven times.

The clinical hospital was also hit by the shelling. Windows in the building were broken and ceilings were damaged. The Ministry of Health reports that a nurse was wounded during the attack on the building.


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