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Solidarity between Poles and Ukrainians on the anniversary of the Russian invasion

On 24 February 2024, the colours of the Ukrainian flag will appear on the facades of the Presidential Palace, the Prime Minister's Office, the Embassy of Ukraine in Poland, the Palace of Culture and Science and the Opera House as a sign of Poland's solidarity with Ukraine.


At the beginning of the full-scale war, this country was in the forefront of support for Ukraine; two years later, priorities have changed slightly. Nevertheless, Poland is among the top five EU countries in terms of aid to Ukraine, totalling around €4.5 billion over the two years of war.

Commitment to honouring agreements has proven to be Poland's strength. The country was one of the few that promptly delivered almost all the promised heavy weapons to Ukraine. The Ukraine Support Tracker came to such conclusions after analysing data for the last two years.

Ukraine promptly received 300 T-72 tanks and 54 howitzers of 155 mm calibre from Poland. Also, according to the Warsaw-based Centre for Eastern Studies, Poland has already fully delivered to Ukraine all the MIG-29 fighter jets, 4 Grad multiple rocket launchers and 19 AMZ Dzik armoured vehicles promised (namely 14) in early 2023.

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