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Personality catalog

Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Buildings and constructions catalog

Photos of buildings and their destruction before and after the start of the war.

Buildings, structures, objects before and after the start of the war

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Monuments catalog

Monuments, works of art before and after the start of the war

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Aircraft, cars and other technical means catalog

Aircraft, cars, technical means before and after the start of the war

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Sviatogorsk Lavra after Russian occupiers

Russian occupants are destroying Ukraine's commemorative architecture. Sviatogorsk Lavra has suffered after Russian shelling.


Sviatogorsk Lavra is one of Ukraine's most famous sites. When heavy fighting was taking place, the lavra suffered from Russian shelling. This is not the first time Russian troops have shelled churches, temples, etc. It is worth noting that the Russians hoped to nationalize the Lavra, but they failed. Ukrainian troops drove out the occupiers and are in control of the monastery. Work is underway to repair the damage and eliminate the consequences of Russian shelling.

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