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Sviatogorsk Lavra's All Saints Monastery: Stalin blew it up in 1947 and Putin burned it down in 2022

Russian troops' shelling of Sviatogorsk Lavra's Holy Assumption Monastery resulted in a large-scale fire and the burning of the Vsekhsviatsk skete 


The wooden skete of All Saints located to the south-east of Sviatogorsk Lavra attracts pilgrims, tourists and guests of the monastery. Its temples are built by local carpenters from massive pine logs and decorated with carvings in the traditions of wooden architecture of XVI-XVII centuries. The hermitage is surrounded by a wooden paling with a hewn gate and corner towers, reminiscent of epic times.

After Sviatogorsky monastery was closed in 1922 near the All-Holy Church, then called Banno-Tatyanovsky parish, some monks that were expelled from the monastery settled down.

After Father John was arrested in 1931, the authorities drove out the last three monks who remained at the church and closed the church.

For some time there was a granary inside the temple. In 1947, the remains of bombs, grenades and mines found on the surrounding fields during mine clearing were blown up in the church. The cemetery has fallen into disrepair: graves have been vandalised and desecrated, gravestones and crosses have been torn down.

When Ukraine became independent the monastic life in Sviatogorsk monastery was reborn in 1992. Simultaneously with the reconstruction of dilapidated monastery buildings the brethren built new churches and arranged cloisters not far from the monastery.

On June 4, 2022 in the village Tetyanivka Donetsk region because of the Russian shelling burnt down the wooden skete of Holy Dormition Svyatogorsk Lavra.

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