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Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Aircraft, cars, technical means before and after the start of the war

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The "parade" of disgrace in Kyiv deserved by Russia.

More than $200 million worth of Russian equipment was brought into Khreshchatyk. And that is only a small part of it. The Ukrainian armed forces have destroyed much more, and Russia's losses are measured in tens of billions of dollars.


On Khreshchatyk, in the very heart of Kiev, which the Russian troops planned to take in 3 days and where they were going to hold a parade, six months after the full-scale invasion, Russian military equipment appeared. But there is a nuance. It is rusty, disabled and without crews. We are talking about the exhibition of Russian equipment destroyed by Ukrainian defenders, which was brought to the main street of the country on the eve of the 31st Independence Day.
On Khreshchatyk there are about 80 destroyed Russian vehicles brought from different regions of Ukraine, where the enemy tried and is still trying to carry out its criminal intentions.
A line of Russian tanks - T90, T80, T72 of various modifications, SAU, rocket artillery ("Grad", "Uragan"), armoured personnel carriers, Russian "analogue" SAM system "Pantsir-S1", TOS "Solntepek", SAU "Hosta" and many more.


Kyiv, Ukraineimage
Kyiv, Ukraineimage
Kyiv, Ukraineimage
Kyiv, Ukraineimage
Kyiv, Ukraineimage
Kyiv, Ukraineimage

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