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The Ukrainian village of Lukashivka celebrates Easter without a church

The only cross that remains inside the blackened ruined church is a metal one. According to local residents, Russian soldiers used the church in Lukashivka as an ammunition depot.


The Church of the Ascension is an example of Russian-style diocesan architecture. It was built in 1913 on the place of the wooden church, known since 1781, with a bell tower.
The stone, plastered, one-domed, cross-domed church, elongated along the axis west-east. There is a faceted apse to the east of the central volume (aisle). The temple is topped with a dome on a round lighted drum, which is leaning on the quadrangle. Above the western narthex rises a two-storey bell tower - an octagon on a tetrail, topped with a hipped roof with a blind lantern and a cupola.
The main entrance is accented by pilasters surmounted by a triangular pediment. The northern and southern facades are topped by semicircular gables. The decor of the facade is decorated with corbel arches, columns, niches; the transition between the upper tier and the hipped roof of the bell tower is decorated with corbel arches.
In 2022, the church was significantly damaged during the Russian invasion of Ukraine, when it was used by Russian troops as a headquarters. After the fighting, the State Emergency Service of Ukraine found large quantities of ammunition and damaged church property as well as at least 17 dead bodies, including, according to the State Emergency Service, civilians killed by Russian troops.

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