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Valeriy Chybinieiev

Valerii Chybineiev was a Ukrainian serviceman, Captain of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, commander of the sniper company of the 79th separate airborne assault brigade. Hero of Ukraine (2016).


Valerii Viktorovych Chybineiev was born on 3 March 1988 in Berdiansk. He lost his parents at an early age, so he was brought up in a boarding school.

After finishing 9th grade, he entered the Zaporizhzhia military lyceum "Zakhystnyk". After school, he graduated from the Odesa Army Academy. In 2010, he joined the 79th Brigade as a lieutenant.

His brother, Roman Chybinieiev, also a member of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, was killed in action in 2019.

War in Donbas (2014)

Captain Valerii Chybinieiev took part in hostilities from the first days of the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine. As a member of the 1st Airborne Battalion, he participated in the liberation of Krasnyi Lyman, Donetsk region.

In June 2014, near the village of Biriukove, Luhansk region, a unit led by Captain Chybineiev destroyed an enemy sabotage and reconnaissance group and took two prisoners. Near the village of Izvaryne, Luhansk region, in July of the same year, he and his comrades pulled three soldiers out of a hit tank. In January 2015, he defended Donetsk airport near the airport runway.

In July 2016, while performing a combat mission at an observation post near Avdiivka, during successful operations, sniper groups led by the captain destroyed machine gun and grenade launcher crews and one sniper - a total of 12 confirmed targets. At the end of the same month, he was wounded as a result of enemy artillery shelling of his positions. Despite this, he continued to lead the unit, which allowed the Armed Forces to hold their positions.

Captain Valeriy Chybiniev was awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine" by President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during a parade on Khreshchatyk on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of Ukraine's independence on 24 August 2016.

Full-scale Russian invasion (2022)

On 3 March 2022, Valerii was killed in the line of duty. The next day, the Defence Intelligence of Ukraine announced that Chybinieiev (along with Denys Kireiev), as its employee, had been killed while performing a "special task".

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