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Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Aircraft, cars, technical means before and after the start of the war

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Viktor Sukhodolsky

Viktor Sukhodolsky, a 55-year-old Rovno-based warrior-blogger "Dedusik", who had recently received a high award - the medal "For Bravery in Combat", was killed in action. Viktor was a private entrepreneur and also served in military transport aviation.


Victor was a member of the 2nd Mountain Assault Battalion of the 128th Brigade. 

He went to war as a volunteer back in September 2014. He fought in reconnaissance. There, during training, he learnt the speciality of a sniper.

And when he returned home, he opened his YouTube channel Didusik. TV. Victor gave this name to his own channel in honour of his grandson. Sukhodolsky used chat-roulette to chat about politics with random people from different regions of Russia, opening their eyes to Moscow's propaganda fakes.


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