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Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Volodymyr Rashchuk

Volodymyr Rashchuk is a serviceman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, commander of the 7th Company of the 3rd Battalion "Svoboda" as part of the Rapid Response Brigade of the National Guard of Ukraine "Rubizh", Junior Lieutenant. Until 2022, he was a theatre and film actor.


He was born on 11 October 1987 in Mariupol. In his youth, he was actively involved in sports and received the first category in water polo and volleyball. He is a candidate for master of sports in freestyle wrestling. He is fond of music and playing musical instruments - guitar, piano, drums.

Since 1 November 2007, he has been an actor at the Lesya Ukrainka National Academic Drama Theatre. In 2010, he graduated from the Karpenko-Kary Kyiv National University of Theatre, Cinema and Television.  In 2015, he played the lead role in the criminal detective film Department 44. His character is a weapons expert Glib Mayorov. The special agents of Department 44 solve the most intricate crimes thanks to the latest IT achievements of mankind.

After Russia's full-scale invasion, he volunteered for the war. He became a company commander of the Svoboda battalion, and in the spring liberated Kyiv region from Russian occupiers. Later, he went to the east and took part in the battles in the Bakhmut direction. He took part in the battles for Siverskodonetsk.

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