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Yevhen Brakh

Yevhen Brakh, a soldier of the Special Operations Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine (call sign "Mali"), was killed while defending his country. The hero is survived by a newborn son.


He was born in Poltava region, originally from Seleshchyna, Mashivka district.

At the age of 19, Yevhen dropped out of university and joined the French Foreign Legion, where he served for 5 years. As a legionnaire, he took part in military missions to Abu Dhabi, Mali (Africa) and French Guiana (South America).

After his military service, he stayed in France and worked as a bodyguard on the French Riviera.

After the full-scale invasion, Yevhen quit his job and returned to Ukraine. He first served in a volunteer battalion and then in the Special Operations Forces.

A Belarusian soldier with the call sign "Yankee" reported the death of his comrade on 24 September. "Brother. A warrior. A real one. A soul. A patriot. The best among us. The best among the best. An example for all. You will always remain in our hearts! I miss you again! See you elsewhere!" he wrote.

Later it became known that Yevhen died on 21 September in the Donetsk region. Yevhen was buried in his homeland, Poltava region.

The soldier is survived by his newborn son and wife.

Location unknownimage
Location unknownimage

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