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Shelling of a market in Donetsk

27 dead and 26 wounded - these are the consequences of the shelling of a market in the Tekstilshchik microdistrict of the Kirovsky district of Donetsk. The Russians have once again fired on themselves in order to discredit Ukraine.


27 dead and 26 wounded - these are the consequences of the shelling of the market in the Tekstilshchik microdistrict of the Kirovsky district of Donetsk voiced by the Russian occupation administration and, since no international observers are working in the city, the media are forced to quote this figure. The footage from the Russian channels does indeed show many dead bodies. Russia blames Ukraine for the shelling of civilians; the Ukrainian military said it was not involved in the strike.

Some residents of the occupied city, including on social networks, suggest that the shelling is the occupants' response to the numerous complaints of people from this neighbourhood about the lack of water (they arranged a whole flash mob in social networks) or Russia's preparation for the UN Security Council meeting, to which Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov has just headed. The tragedy occurred exactly on the anniversary of the shelling in the Bosse neighbourhood: back in 2015, one Russian-controlled group was firing at another, but hit a trolleybus full of people.

The Russian Foreign Ministry accused Ukraine and Western countries of shelling the market. It claims that the strike was carried out by Western weapons from Avdeevka, but did not provide any evidence.

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