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Russian terrorists launch missile attack on centre of Donetsk

On 14 March 2022, a missile strike was launched from the Russian-controlled occupied territories of Ukraine against the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk. Twenty-one people were killed and more than 30 wounded.


The war criminals, Russian terrorists, attacked the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk in the afternoon. The purpose of this attack is to destroy the civilian population of Donetsk and to discredit the Ukrainian Armed Forces. The purpose of Russian propaganda is the so-called "rescue of Donbas residents from Ukrainian neo-Nazis". However, the city of Donetsk is not controlled by Ukraine and there are no Ukrainian troops in it. Russia needs to feed Russians and the military with fake stories about Ukrainian military atrocities. One way is to attack civilians, and the one they most call "brothers". After the rocket attack, it was not rescuers but journalists who arrived on the scene at short notice. The photos of the rocket's engine show the asphalt underneath and no traces of the engine itself. Hence the engine was delivered to shoot a propaganda report as soon as possible. 

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