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Yegor Guzenko

Yegor Guzenko is a Russian war criminal. Involved in the kidnapping of civilians in the occupied territory. He runs a telegram channel called "Thirteen".


Russian mercenary. A militant of the People's Militant Front.
Callsign: "Thirteen".
Date of birth: 12.07.1994
Resides in the city of St. Petersburg. Petrograd police department initiated another case under article 213.part 2 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. (Up to 7 years)
Served in the Airborne Forces of the Russian Federation: v/ч 54801 247 DShP Stavropol, Russia, 2012-2013.
Terskaya Gubernia. Fortress Pavlovskaya (now Novopavlovsk).
Education: Gymnasium №1 Novopavlovsk, 2001-2012

Yegor Guzenko has the call sign "Thirteen". He is a Russian serviceman suspected of brutally executing a Ukrainian defender. The Russian serviceman was originally from Stavropol region in southern Russia. In 2015, he joined the ranks of terrorists of the so-called "DNR". In particular, fought in Syria, and then returned to fight against the Ukrainians again.

Does not hide his crimes

Even back then, when a brutal video was circulating in the network, on which the occupants cut off the head of a Ukrainian prisoner, Guzenko demonstrated it with a cynical picture. He repeatedly published calls for such massacres of Ukrainian fighters and boasted about the looting committed on Ukrainian territories.

Moreover, Guzenko openly rejoiced at the strikes on infrastructure in Odessa and also assured that Russia's goal during the war in Ukraine is to create a new Holodomor in Ukraine. He also admitted that the Russian army had blown up the Kakhovska hydroelectric power plant and cheerfully called for other such facilities on the Dnieper River to be blown up.

In addition, the occupier called on the Kremlin to "press the red button" and hit Ukraine with a nuclear bomb.

He also openly sympathised with the head of the PMC "Wagner" Yevgeny Prigozhin and his lackeys. However, after the suppression of the "campaign to Moscow" and the liquidation of Prigozhin, Guzenko somewhat subsided.


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