11 September, 2023
11 September, 2023

Good always triumphs over evil! So it was before, so it will be after, so it will always be!

For comparison we offer a selection of photos from World War II and the Russian-Ukrainian war.

27 August, 2023
27 August, 2023

Russians destroyed a school in Romny

A school in the town of Romny was destroyed by a Shahed drone strike. Four people were killed and four others were injured.

17 August, 2023
17 August, 2023

Russian occupiers drive a tank through the destroyed Mariinka

This picture shows the town of Mariinka, which was completely destroyed during the war. This town was home to about 9,000 people, and after the Russians arrived, only ruins remained. 

19 August, 2023
19 August, 2023

Missile attack on the centre of Chernihiv

On 19 August 2023, Russian terrorists launched a missile attack on the centre of Chernihiv. At the time, an exhibition was taking place in the city centre, and many people were injured.

9 August, 2023
9 August, 2023

Missile shelling of Zaporizhzhya

The Russians hit the Iskander-K hotel building with a missile. The building housed a children's camp. 

August, 2023
August, 2023

German aid and solidarity with Ukraine

Germany provides substantial support to the people of Ukraine, both in humanitarian and military terms. The German population strongly condemns Russia's actions and compels assistance to Ukraine and its inhabitants. 

02 July, 2023
02 July, 2023

Houses destroyed by Russians with famous murals

Russian forces continue to destroy Ukrainian cultural heritage. This article gives examples of such crimes.

27 June, 2023
27 June, 2023

The central library in Mariupol was bombed by the Russian occupiers

At the beginning of the open invasion, the Korolenko Central City Library in Mariupol became a refuge for the townspeople from Russian attacks. But the building itself did not withstand the massive shelling.

13 June, 2023
13 June, 2023

Shallowing of the Kakhovka reservoir

Due to the undermining of the Kakhovka hydropower plant by Russian troops, the reservoir has begun to shallow. The mass fish kill has unpredictable consequences.

9 June, 2023
9 June, 2023

The flooding of Kherson. Animal rescue

More than 80 settlements have gone under water because of the bombing of the Kakhovska hydroelectric power plant dam by the Russians. Volunteers and rescuers are actively working everywhere.