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Anniversary of the de-occupation of Kyiv region

2 April 2023 marks exactly one year since the Russian occupation forces were driven out of the Kyiv region. The invaders fled, leaving behind real hell, destruction and death.


The Russian occupation of Kyiv region during the Russian-Ukrainian war lasted from 24 February to 2 April 2022. During the occupation, the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation seized a significant part of the region, including key transport routes leading to northwestern Ukraine - Bucha, Irpin, Hostomel, Borodyanka, and Ivankiv. By early March, Russian army soldiers were able to approach the outskirts of Kyiv. However, miscalculations by the military command, problems with logistics, and underestimation of the enemy's forces led to major defeats, and in early April the Russian army was forced to leave the region.

In early April, evidence of mass killings of civilians was discovered in Russian-controlled settlements. The world community paid the most attention to the massacre in Bucha, which, according to eyewitnesses, satellite footage, radio intercepts and drone video, was carried out by Russian soldiers. In total, 1,370 people in the Kyiv region were killed as a result of the invasion. In addition, 161 multi-storey buildings and 4,835 private houses were completely destroyed, leaving 11,319 families homeless. Over 90% of the centre of Borodyanka was destroyed by shelling.

This article offers a selection of the most famous photographs that capture the destruction and horror that the Russian army has brought to Ukraine.

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