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Personality catalog

Famous people before and after the start of the war

Personalities before and after the start of the war

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Buildings and constructions catalog

Photos of buildings and their destruction before and after the start of the war.

Buildings, structures, objects before and after the start of the war

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Monuments catalog

Monuments, works of art before and after the start of the war

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Aircraft, cars and other technical means catalog

Aircraft, cars, technical means before and after the start of the war

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Why did Russia invade Ukraine?


Putin nurses a deep sense of grievance over the loss of Russia’s power and influence since the breakup of the Soviet Union in 1991. Ukraine was formerly part of the Soviet Union but declared its independence in 1991. Having a prosperous, modern, independent and democratic European state bordering Russia was perceived as posing a threat to Russia’s autocratic regime. Though the claims of genocide and Nazi rule in Kyiv were transparently false, the rhetoric revealed Putin’s maximalist war aims: regime change (“de-Nazification”) and the elimination of Ukraine’s status as a sovereign state outside of Russian control (“demilitarization”).

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