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February 20, 2014 is the official date for the start of Russia's temporary occupation of Crimea.

In Ukrainian law, February 20 is the official date for the start of Russia's temporary occupation of Crimea. The Decree of the Verkhovna Rada states that on that very day there were the first cases of violation by the Russian military of the state border of Ukraine in the Kerch Strait and blocking of Ukrainian military units were recorded.


The Russian leadership initially denied the participation of the Russian military in the seizure of the Crimean peninsula, but soon stated that they arrived in Crimea to “ensure the free expression of the will of the Crimeans” at the so-called referendum on March 16. Ukraine, most countries of the world and the UN recognized the referendum as illegal. Date February 20, 2014 indicated on the departmental award of the Russian Ministry of Defense - the medal "For the Return of Crimea".

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