2 March, 2023
2 March, 2023

The city that no longer exists: Marinka destroyed by the Russians

The town of Marinka near Donetsk has been holding back the onslaught of Russian occupiers since 2014. Russian troops wiped the town off the face of the earth.

30 January, 2023
30 January, 2023

Russian occupants destroy village of Bohorodichne

Bogorodichne, a village in Donetsk Region in eastern Ukraine, was attacked by Russian forces in June and came under occupation in August. In September, Ukrainian forces liberated the village. 

16 April, 2022
16 April, 2022

The Ukrainian village of Lukashivka celebrates Easter without a church

The only cross that remains inside the blackened ruined church is a metal one. According to local residents, Russian soldiers used the church in Lukashivka as an ammunition depot.

21 November, 2022
21 November, 2022

Russians in Mykolaiv region destroy temple that survived two world wars

In the de-occupied village of Kiselevka in Mykolayiv region, Russian invaders have completely destroyed the Church of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The building cannot be reconstructed or rebuilt.

28 September, 2022
28 September, 2022

Mud and ruin - 200-year-old church in the village of Malaya Kamyshevaha after Russian occupants

In mid-September, images of a 200-year-old church, which the Russian occupants converted into a military hospital, surfaced online. The footage speaks for itself

7 November, 2022
7 November, 2022

Sviatogorsk Lavra after Russian occupiers

Russian occupants are destroying Ukraine's commemorative architecture. Sviatogorsk Lavra has suffered after Russian shelling.

18 June, 2022
18 June, 2022

Russians destroy the Islamic Cultural Centre "Bismillah"

On 16 June 2022, at 9 am, the mosque was deliberately destroyed by the Russian military. The attack was carried out with prohibited cluster munitions. 

4 June 2022
4 June 2022

Sviatogorsk Lavra's All Saints Monastery: Stalin blew it up in 1947 and Putin burned it down in 2022

Russian troops' shelling of Sviatogorsk Lavra's Holy Assumption Monastery resulted in a large-scale fire and the burning of the Vsekhsviatsk skete 

May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022

Russian troops destroyed the St. George Skete in Sviatogorsk Lavra

The St. George's Skete of the Sviatogorsk Assumption Lavra in the village of Dolyna was completely destroyed. The Russian invaders struck an artillery strike on the temple.

16 April 2022
16 April 2022

Russian occupants in Mariupol destroy monument to Metropolitan Ignatiy and shell St. Michael's Cathedral

The Russian military destroyed a monument to one of the founders of Mariupol, Metropolitan Ignatiy, and destroyed the Cathedral of the Archistratigus of God Michael