18 August, 2023
18 August, 2023

Ukrainian equipment captured by Russians

A photo selection of Ukrainian equipment captured by the Russians. This is how Putin inspires his electorate to defeat the western world. 

2 August, 2023
2 August, 2023

Western equipment in the armed forces of the Ukrainian armed forces

Thanks to the support of Western partners, Ukraine continues its fight against the Russian occupiers. The military is mastering new equipment and using it as efficiently as possible, both for assault operations and for repelling Russian missile…

9 May, 2023
9 May, 2023

Victory (shame) parade in Moscow in 2023

As you know, the victory parade is another way for Russian dictator Putin to show the world his "invincible" army. Let's compare the parades of 2021 and 2023.

2 April, 2023
2 April, 2023

Anniversary of the de-occupation of Kyiv region

2 April 2023 marks exactly one year since the Russian occupation forces were driven out of the Kyiv region. The invaders fled, leaving behind real hell, destruction and death.

13 March, 2023
13 March, 2023

Russian shelling finally destroys school in Avdiivka

The rocket attack hit one of the schools. It is worth noting that this school has been hit before.

8 March, 2023
8 March, 2023

Ukraine's new military equipment counterattack

The Armed Forces of Ukraine are improving day by day. Assistance from partner countries is a very important factor in rearming the Ukrainian army.

23 November, 2022
23 November, 2022

Russian troops launch massive missile attack on Ukrainian territory

Russia continues shelling Ukrainian territory with high-precision cruise missiles. The missiles hit critical infrastructure of the country.

29 September, 2022
29 September, 2022

Russian missile destroyed bus fleet in Dnipro city

Russian occupants launched a missile attack on a bus depot in the city of Dnipro. More than 50 buses were destroyed.

09 September, 2022
09 September, 2022

Military support for Ukraine from its main ally, the United States

The United States of America serves as Ukraine's main ally in the fight against the Russian occupation. Among the rest of the world, the United States is the leader in the field of arms supply. 

07 September, 2022
07 September, 2022

Strengthening Ukraine's Armed Forces by Western partner countries

A number of Western partner countries are providing indispensable assistance and support to the people of Ukraine and its warriors, in particular, this article refers to the reinforcement of the AFU artillery with NATO standard samples.