2 April, 2023
2 April, 2023

Anniversary of the de-occupation of Kyiv region

2 April 2023 marks exactly one year since the Russian occupation forces were driven out of the Kyiv region. The invaders fled, leaving behind real hell, destruction and death.

19 January, 2023
19 January, 2023

European Parliament adopts resolution to create special tribunal for Putin

The European Parliament has decided to establish a tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. This document was voted in favor by 472 deputies, 19 against, and 33 European politicians abstained.

6 April 2022
6 April 2022

Borodyanka - destroyed houses and bodies under the rubble

Destroyed Borodyanka: voices from under the rubble, shootings and looting. What was happening in the town near Kiev during the occupation.