22 March, 2024
22 March, 2024

A cultural centre in Semenivka is destroyed

Russian aviation launched guided bombs at a house of culture in the town of Semenivka in Chernihiv region. The building was the National Museum of Taras Shevchenko and the city administration. 

24 November, 2023
24 November, 2023

Destruction in the towns of Chernihiv region

Having been defeated on the battlefield, Russian troops inflicted maximum damage to all possible infrastructure in Ukrainian cities. Here are photos of the destruction in the Chernihiv region.

19 August, 2023
19 August, 2023

Missile attack on the centre of Chernihiv

On 19 August 2023, Russian terrorists launched a missile attack on the centre of Chernihiv. At the time, an exhibition was taking place in the city centre, and many people were injured.

16 April, 2023
16 April, 2023

Easter on the ruins

Believers of the Orthodox Church of Ukraine prayed in a church destroyed by the occupiers. During the Russian occupation of 2022, the building was used for military purposes.

23 January, 2023
23 January, 2023

A priest from Chernihiv - Evgeny Orda

Yevgeny has been in Russian captivity for almost a month. This did not break him, and he continues his charitable work.

19 January, 2023
19 January, 2023

European Parliament adopts resolution to create special tribunal for Putin

The European Parliament has decided to establish a tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. This document was voted in favor by 472 deputies, 19 against, and 33 European politicians abstained.

16 April, 2022
16 April, 2022

The Ukrainian village of Lukashivka celebrates Easter without a church

The only cross that remains inside the blackened ruined church is a metal one. According to local residents, Russian soldiers used the church in Lukashivka as an ammunition depot.

3 March 2022
3 March 2022

The city of Chernihiv after being shelled by Russian troops.

Russian terrorists fired rockets at residential buildings in the city of Chernihiv. There is serious damage to buildings and a shopping centre has been destroyed.

11 March, 2022
11 March, 2022

In Chernihiv, invaders bomb Museum of Antiquities, which survived the Second World War

Russian invaders in Chernihiv bombed a historic building that is more than 100 years old - the home of the Museum of Antiquities of Vasyl Tarnovsky. The house survived even during the German bombing of the Second World War.

11 March, 2022
11 March, 2022

Russian Federation bombs Desna stadium in Chernihiv three nights in a row

Russian occupiers are at war with Ukraine's landmarks. The Gagarin Arena, where the local team used to play their home games, was destroyed during an overnight air raid by the Russian air force. 

March 3, 2022
March 3, 2022

Russian aircraft destroyed schools in Chernihiv

As a result of Russian air strikes on Chernihiv in March, most of the city was destroyed.