28 February, 2024
28 February, 2024

Maksym Shtatskyi

A well-known Zaporizhzhia historian and senior researcher at the Khortytsia National Reserve, Maksym Shtatskyi, died defending Ukraine. He was 35 years old.

25 February, 2024
25 February, 2024

"House of Trading Rows" in Orikhiv destroyed by Russians

A missile strike by the Russian army destroyed a 19th-century architectural monument in the city of Orikhiv, Zaporizhzhia region.

15 December, 2023
15 December, 2023

Destroyed churches in Zaporizhzhya region

Russian troops are destroying churches all over Ukraine, believing they may be ammunition depots or military locations. 

20 November, 2023
20 November, 2023

Objects destroyed by Russians in Zaporizhzhia region

Here is a photo selection of the most famous objects destroyed by Russian troops in the cities of Zaporizhzhia region

14 July, 2023
14 July, 2023

Russians shelled the 19th century mill of landlord Schroeder

As a result of Russian shelling in Gulyaypol, Zaporizhzhya region, a unique building - a steam mill dating back to 1894 - was subjected to destruction.

9 August, 2023
9 August, 2023

Missile shelling of Zaporizhzhya

The Russians hit the Iskander-K hotel building with a missile. The building housed a children's camp. 

22 March, 2023
22 March, 2023

Russian troops launch a missile attack on a residential building in Zaporizhzhia

Russian troops launched a missile strike from the Uragan MLRS at a residential building in Zaporizhzhia. The missile hit the real target of the Russians - a multi-storey building in a residential area.

2 March, 2023
2 March, 2023

Russian terrorists hit residential building in Zaporizhzhya at night

A Russian strike on a five-storey building in Zaporizhzhya killed 13 people, including an 8-month-old baby, and almost completely destroyed the house. The strike was carried out by a S-300 missile.

19 January, 2023
19 January, 2023

European Parliament adopts resolution to create special tribunal for Putin

The European Parliament has decided to establish a tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. This document was voted in favor by 472 deputies, 19 against, and 33 European politicians abstained.

22 November, 2022
22 November, 2022

Russian occupants hit maternity hospital in Zaporizhzhya region

Russia continues to terrorize the population of Ukraine. A Russian missile hit a maternity hospital, killing a newborn baby.

14 October, 2022
14 October, 2022

Occupiers hit one of Zaporizhzhya's historic buildings in the morning

Three S-300 missiles have hit Zaporizhzhya. One of the buildings in Zaporizhzhya-Mlin was seriously damaged.

6 October, 2022
6 October, 2022

Shelling of a multi-storey residential building in Zaporizhzhya

On 6 October 2022, a rocket attack was carried out on Zaporizhzhya. Russian military launched 7 missile strikes