21 April, 2024
21 April, 2024

Russian missile strikes Dnipro city centre

Russian troops launched a massive missile attack on the city of Dnipro. Russian terrorists targeted civilians in the city.

26 August, 2023
26 August, 2023

Russian troops hit Dnipro's main bus station

The Russians used Iskander ballistic missiles in an attack on Dnipro bus station.

22 March, 2024
22 March, 2024

Russian terrorists attacked the Dnipro hydroelectric power station

The Dnipro HPP in Zaporizhzhia was attacked by Russian occupiers on the night of 22 March 2024. It is the largest hydroelectric power plant in Ukraine.

30 December, 2023
30 December, 2023

Strike on a maternity hospital in Dnipro

During a large-scale missile attack by the Russians on Ukraine, one of the missiles damaged a maternity hospital in the city of Dnipro. A one-and-a-half-year-old child is among the injured.

30 December, 2023
30 December, 2023

Russia hit a shopping mall in Dnipro with a missile

In a large-scale missile attack by the Russians, one missile hit a shopping centre in the city of Dnipro. Another terrorist attack by the Russians.

26 May, 2023
26 May, 2023

Rocket attack on hospital in Dnipro

A Russian missile hit a polyclinic in Dnipro. Two people were killed and another 30, including two children, were injured. 

19 January, 2023
19 January, 2023

European Parliament adopts resolution to create special tribunal for Putin

The European Parliament has decided to establish a tribunal for the crime of aggression against Ukraine. This document was voted in favor by 472 deputies, 19 against, and 33 European politicians abstained.

14 January, 2023
14 January, 2023

Terrifying terror: Russian troops hit apartment building in Dnipro with supersonic missile

A missile launched from a Tu-95 carrier rocket from Russian territory has hit a residential building in Dnipro. An entire block of flats was destroyed.

10 October, 2022
10 October, 2022

Russian troops shelled Dnipro with cruise missiles

On 10 October, Russia massively shelled Ukraine and its critical infrastructure. Dnipropetrovsk was also hit. 

29 September, 2022
29 September, 2022

Russian missile destroyed bus fleet in Dnipro city

Russian occupants launched a missile attack on a bus depot in the city of Dnipro. More than 50 buses were destroyed.

24 August, 2022
24 August, 2022

Chaplino station: Russian missile terror in Ukraine.

On 24 August, the Russian military launched a rocket attack on the Chaplino railway station in Dnipropetrovsk Region. According to the latest reports, at least 25 people were killed. Also 31 people were injured.