4 June 2022
4 June 2022

Sviatogorsk Lavra's All Saints Monastery: Stalin blew it up in 1947 and Putin burned it down in 2022

Russian troops' shelling of Sviatogorsk Lavra's Holy Assumption Monastery resulted in a large-scale fire and the burning of the Vsekhsviatsk skete 

May 9, 2022
May 9, 2022

Russian troops destroyed the St. George Skete in Sviatogorsk Lavra

The St. George's Skete of the Sviatogorsk Assumption Lavra in the village of Dolyna was completely destroyed. The Russian invaders struck an artillery strike on the temple.

15 March 2022
15 March 2022

The Russian occupiers destroyed the town of Volnovakha

Russian fascists' rockets and shells have caused incredible destruction in Volnovakha. Infrastructure was destroyed, schools bombed and churches burned.

14 March, 2022
14 March, 2022

Russian terrorists launch missile attack on centre of Donetsk

On 14 March 2022, a missile strike was launched from the Russian-controlled occupied territories of Ukraine against the Russian-occupied city of Donetsk. Twenty-one people were killed and more than 30 wounded.